The start of the 20th century was the continuation of the Restoration, which began when Alfonso XII became king in 1874. Alfonso XII died in 1885.
Alfonso XII and his second wife María Cristina. By F. Barcia Viet. Sevilla (Los Borbones) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Spain was ruled by his wife María Cristina until Alfonso XIII turned 16 in 1902.
Alfonso XIII. By Christian Franzen [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. |
During Alfonso XIII's reign Spain experienced political and social conflict.
- The Liberals and Conservatives continued to take turns in government. Republican parties, the Socialist party and nationalist parties in Cataluña and Pais Vasco opposed them.
- There were many strikes, workers demanded better working conditions.
- Spain was involved in military conflict in its new colonies in Morocco.
In 1923 there was a military coup. General Primo de Rivera established a dictatorship with Alfonso XIII's support:
- The constitution was suspended, the king lost most of his powers.
- Political parties became illegal.
- Freedom of press was limited by censorship.
Alfonso XII y Miguel Primo de Rivera. Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-09411 / Unknown / CC-BY-SA 3.0 [CC BY-SA 3.0 de (], via Wikimedia Commons |
At first Primo de Rivera was supported by many people. Later on he had the opposition from the army and from Alfonso XIII. Primo de Rivera resigned in 1930.
In 1931 the Republicans and the Socialists won the municipal elections and the Second Republic began. Manuel Azaña became president.
There was a new constitution and Spain became a democracy: all men and women could vote. There were many other changes:
- The church lost control of education. Public schools were established.
- There was more regional autonomy. There was a statute of autonomy for Cataluña.
- The Industrial Revolution changed how society was organised.
These reforms divided Spanish society and caused political conflict.: Left-wing people supported the changes, Right-wing people opposed the changes.
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